The Town Hall We Never Got
Welcome to the first board meeting of the 2019 -2020 school year, or shall I say, student “ Town Hall” briefing. Since the lovely President Z. Scott never followed through on giving students a town hall meeting the Spring semester of 2018-2019, we brought it to her. In case everyone did not hear, about 50 or so teachers from this university protested on Friday outside of the President’s office in hopes of getting a 5% raise. This since the President and other members of the administration received raises this school year. Students also came out to the board meeting Monday, September 16, 2019, to express their concerns to the board on issues regarding poor Wi-fi, the potholes in the parking lots, classes needed for degree completion but not offered at CSU due to the disrespectful relieving of qualified teachers/professors that were about the students, the pool being inoperable, dirty buildings due to the lack of custodial staff, broken elevators, rodents in the classrooms and dormitory, lack of safety on campus, broken equipment in the gym, outdated classrooms, too much talk and promises unkept by administration, and the list goes on. Two of Chicago State’s SGA members, President Singleton and Vice President Holmes, spoke on behalf of the student body with a few issues on their own.
Not only did student body SGA President Singleton touch on the fact that the administration has called on the presence of SGA and the student body during several events, but the fact that they are still putting the students last. He also spoke about the administration trying to shut down the SGA leadership. President Singleton stated, “The Interim Provost and administration are not listening and are trying to shut down the SGA leadership and representation on this campus due to their failed process. The students have continuously tried to maintain both transparency and unity by repeatedly speaking to administration concerning CSU employees manipulating and interfering with policies and procedures. The constitution, policies, and procedures as they stand are now being violated and instead of open conversation, administration is trying to silence the leaders so that they can revamp the voice of this “STUDENT ORGANIZATION” and futurely others. This will not happen, but is also not the first time the SGA has had problems with administration interference at this university.”
As you all know or should know (if you read the first blog on this site), the Interim Provost, Dr. Leslie Roundtree, who also received a $77,000 raise as an “INTERIM” Provost for the second year in a row, pulled the plug on the SGA election the day before the election. It’s funny how everyone in the Cook Administration Building (not Student Union Building) gets paid a lump sum of money and still cannot do their job, let alone control their employees. SGA has met with the Interim Provost on various occasions regarding administrative manipulation before things went on a spiral and she did nothing. Just like how the administration notices one small issue and waits until it turns into a big issue that costs the school millions of dollars, that’s exactly what the Interim Provost is trying to do to SGA. SGA has also tried meeting with the new Interim Dean of Students, Dr. Shenay Carter- Bridges, who was falling asleep in a meeting with the Provost and various other faculty meetings. I have to say, Chicago State picks the best interim employees. Let’s see: Dr. Elizabeth Hawthorne: Interim Dean, College of Education, Dr. Devi Potluri: Interim Dean, Graduate and Professional Studies, Dr. Shenay Bridges-Carter: Interim Dean, Student Affairs, Dr. Steven Rowe: Interim Dean, Honors College, and Ms. Tyesha Banks: Interim Dean, Housing.
So, I ask again, is Chicago State on the rise or tumbling down? Oh yeah, “Good luck” students going to the Interim Dean of Students to voice your issues, she may just nod off in mid conversation. Any who, President Singleton then brought up the various times certain individuals in the Student Union Building and Administration sabotaged SGA elections that date back to 1994 where previous SGA members voiced their opinions on pressing university issues:
In the Spring of 1994, there was a student initiative and challenge, after the administration cancelled an SGA election when the party they favored had been disqualified by the panel responsible for monitoring conformity with election rules.
In the Spring of 2012, the administration illegally and unconstitutionally voided the SGA election where two students were elected that were unfavorable to the administration. One student was suspended and then expelled, while the other was illegitimately disqualified for actions not cited in SGA Constitution, Board of Elections Policy or Procedures..
In the Spring of 2018, the election process was brought to a forced halt by the illegitimate tampering and illegal actions of yet again, administration. The administration then lied and had a student brought up on charges that would have resulted in the student being expelled from the university. Yet, the student won the judicial hearing with testimony that was legally just.
Students of Chicago State University have had enough of the unethical practices. Students will no longer sit by quietly as administration runs amuck of our school with both questionable and bad decisions. Students and student leaders need to continue speaking out about the unethical administration practices, unpaved parking lots, broken elevators, non- working equipment in classrooms, major tuition hikes, and the student safety on campus. This all while higher administration continues to fire personnel without cause and raise their own salaries through the roof. In case you can’t hear it or are unaware, the chatter aboard this campus is very loud and clear amongst students, faculty, and staff concerning the current operations of this administration.
SGA’s Vice President Holmes stated very important concerns as well when she spoke to the board. She stated, “On behalf of the students:
We would like to know where the money that we’ve paid in increases go on behalf of the students of this university; especially if the students are going to be the last to benefit or have a say in this process. We are also very concerned when administration states that students don’t care about cost because they know when they graduate, they will start at $111k. Students want an open line of communication with administrators and we don’t expect you to look at us directly in our face and lie. Trust has been broken over the years and we believe that now is the time to start restoration in the open communication. The students have seen no progress as if their voice doesn’t matter. We ask that you help us hold accountable the administration for their actions, unethical doings, and the state of this university when it comes to the interest of students.”
When VP Holmes stated that “they’ll start at $111k when they graduate,'' she was referring to the university comment from then Interim Dean of Pharmacy Gentry that wanted to raise the fees for pharmacy students 1000% because they would make $111k post-graduation, assuming they didn’t care about the money they would have to pay for school now. Really???
I was sure as a student, when our tuition and fees went up, we would come back for the 2019-2020 school year with at least 2-3 noticeable adjustments made, but no. Administration will look you right in the face and say one thing and do another, but expect us to believe in the new President and her plan for Chicago State. How can we trust administration after all the wrong doings they’ve done over the years and are still doing today?
Another CSU student stood up in front of the board and asked, “how can the board meet without a student representative present?” Since SGA elections are at a halt and the last student Board of Trustee graduated, we have no open line of communication with the board which is a major concern when the university’s administration is moving funny. Of course, President Z. Scott sat there the whole time with nothing to say, no defense, but at least for once she didn’t give us the same speech she gives every time she talks selling us a bunch of fairy tales.